Live scan fingerprinting at Fider LLC offers quick, electronic transfer of digital fingerprints and personal information to the DOJ in seconds, compared to days for mail-in prints. This helps the DOJ process 95% of digitized fingerprints within three days. Additionally, live scan eliminates issues like smudging and over/under inking associated with traditional ink prints.

What to Bring

A government-issued photo ID is required as the primary valid identification. The ID must be valid and unexpired. Acceptable IDs include a driver’s license, state ID, passport, military ID, and green card.

The requesting agency must provide the correct Live Scan form. Typically, the requester will provide the applicant with a “request for Live Scan service form.” Applicants must fill out the form, providing personal information such as address, eye color, and date of birth. Additionally, the form requires the requesting agency’s Originating Agency Identifier (ORI) and mail code. It is essential to ask the requester for this information to facilitate the Live Scan request and transmit results to the requesting agency.

  • $30 Live Scan Rolling Fee

    Government Fees

    - DOJ (California Department of Justice) $32

    - CHI (Child Abuse Index) $15

    - DSS (Department of Social Services) $10

    - Firearms (Firearms Permit) $38

    - Visa/Immigration $32